< 👋🏼>

const welcome = [ "Hello", "hola", "নমস্কার!" ];

< I am Arijit, a Full Stack Developer. />

About me

I am Arijit Banerjee. A B.Sc. Graduate with Honours in Computer Science. I am a Freelance Full Stack Web Developer and a Cyber Security Enthusiast. I love learning new technologies and making real life applications with them, no matter small or large scale. Along with that, I am a Passionate Actor and a Theatre Activist who loves Photography.

Currently working as a Backend Developer at Zeer

Want to know more about me ?
Currently Working On
C# .NET Core

Tools and Techs.

Here are the Tools and Technologies that I know & use/used.

C# .NET Core
AWS DynamoDB
Digital Ocean
VSCode (Visual Studio Code)
Visual Studio
Sublime Text

Some of My Projects

Here are a few of my projects. There are few more on my GitHub. You can have a look there too.


Task Management v1

A Full Stack Task Management App to manage all of your Tasks and Todo Elements at one place

This is a Full Stack Task Management App to manage all of your Tasks and Todo Elements at one place.

Stack : MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)

Technologies Used : NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express-Validator, BcryptJS, JSONWebToken (JWT), Dotenv, Node-Cron, Nodemailer, Morgan, Helmet, React Hooks, Toastify, Axios, Bootstrap 5, Bootstrap Icons etc.

Functionalities :

Normal User : REST Api, CRUD Tasks based on Date (Current Date, Completed Tasks, Due Tasks, Upcoming Tasks), User Registration, Email Verification, Authentication, Authorization, Current Date's Tasks Reminder through Email - Every Day at 6 AM (based on unique User's TimeZone), JWT Token, PRIVATE and PUBLIC Routes, Server Side Validation using Express-Validator, Password Encryption using BCrypt, Forgot Password, Password Reset, Change Email, Error Toast Notification System using Toastify, Fully Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap 5 etc.

Admin User : All features of Normal User + Admin Dashboard, Stats on Admin Dashboard, User Management (CRUD), Make/Remove user as Admin, Hot Search etc.

Live Demo GitHub

The NerdStore

A Full Stack E-Commerce System with Payment Gateway

This is a Full Stack E-Commerce, made on MERN Stack. I did this project while going through a Bootcamp, and the Rest was done later on my own. I added and improvised the web app with a lot of features and functionalities. This Web App just like any other popular E-commerce systems. The only difference is, it is based on Individual Stores.

Stack : MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)

Technologies Used : NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express-Validator, Crypto, JSONWebToken (JWT), Express-JWT, React Hooks, Global State Management using State Reducer and Context Api, Formidable, Lodash, Bootstrap, BrainTree Payment Gateway etc.

Functionalities : REST Api, CRUD, User Registration, Log In, Authentication, Authorization, JWT Token, PRIVATE and PUBLIC Routes, Server Side Validation using Express-Validator, Password Encryption using Crypto, Global State Management, User Dashboard, Admin Dashboard, Fully Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap etc.

User Dashboard - Registration, Login, Logout, Cart/Profile/Orders/Address Management, Change User Profile Picture, Manage Multiple Saved Addresses, Manage Orders(history), and general E-commerce buying features etc.
Admin Dashboard - All of User Features, + Create/Read/Update/Delete Category, Create/Read/Update/Delete Products, Orders Management etc.

Live Demo GitHub - Frontend GitHub - Backend

Project Universe

An awesome app for Space Enthisiasts to get some interesting information on a daily basis.

This is a Self Project, made on ReactJS. This is a fun project I made for my fellow Space Enthusiasts. The Data used in different features of this app, directly comes from NASA's servers. Every day the data changes automatically.

Main Technology Used : ReactJS, NodeJS

Other Technologies : Axios, React Hooks, JSX, JS, ES6, Bootstrap etc.

Functionalities: APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day, NEOs - Near Earth Objects - Asteroids, MARS Info - MARS - Weather Updates & Rovar Images.

All these data and information comes directly from NASA and my fellow space enthusiast friends can use this app to find these features easily and can stay up-to-date.

LiveDemo GitHub

Contact App

A Contact App just like Google Contacts where users can store/modify/delete their contatcs.

This is developed on MERN Stack. After going through basics of MERN I needed some kind of full project to work on and gather some experience on Full Stack MERN Development on my own. So I decided to make a Contact App.
This is a Full Stack Web App just like Google Contacts, where users can Sign Up, and Create and Store their contacts.

Stack : MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)

Technologies Used : NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express-Validator, BcryptJS, JSONWebToken (JWT), React Hooks, Global State Management using State Reducer and Context Api, Toastify, Axios, Bootstrap etc.

Functionalities : REST Api, CRUD, User Registration, Log In, Authentication, JWT Token, PRIVATE and PUBLIC Routes, Create, Read, Server Side Validation using Express-Validator, Password Encryption using BCrypt, Update Delete contacts based on Users, Unique Contacts based on Email & Phone per User, Global State, Error Toastr Notification System using Toastify, Fully Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap etc.

NOTE: Contacts are stored in a way that two different users can save contact which has same Email and/or Phone Number. But, Same user cannot have multiple contacts with same Email/Phone. The Email and/or Phone Number is unique for individual user's own contacts.

Live Demo GitHub

Micro Blog

A Micro Blog (an interview assignment project) - Mostly Backend

This was an Interview Assignment Project by a company. It was a Backend Position and the project requirement was Backend Only, so you will see very less use of Frontend Technology.
I only worked on the features I was asked as a demonstration for them.

Technologies Used : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL

Functionalities : Admin Approval Based Post System, Login, Logout, User Email Verification System, Password Change, Edit / Delete Post, Post Status Control (Public/Private), Mini Admin Panel.

Live Demo GitHub

Social Media

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Contact me

You can write to me at: arijit.codes@gmail.com

Or, fill up the following form