< I am Arijit, a Full Stack Developer. />
I am Arijit Banerjee. A B.Sc. Graduate with Honours in Computer Science. I am a Freelance Full Stack Web Developer and a Cyber Security Enthusiast. I love learning new technologies and making real life applications with them, no matter small or large scale. Along with that, I am a Passionate Actor and a Theatre Activist who loves Photography.
Currently working as a Software Engineer at Developer Village
Here are the Tools and Technologies that I know & use/used.
Here are a few of my projects. There are few more on my GitHub. You can have a look there too.
MicroStream is a real-time communication system that replaces traditional REST/gRPC with WebSockets for event-driven messaging between microservices. It consists of a central Hub and Client SDKs that connect to it.
Stack: Node.js, WebSockets, TypeScript
Technologies Used: Node.js, WebSockets, TypeScript, ws library, Semantic Release, Commitizen, Conventional Commits
Key Features:
MicroStream Hub:
- 🏢 Central WebSocket server for real-time communication between microservices
- 🔗 Service discovery and registration
- 📡 Request routing and response handling
- ❤️ Heartbeat mechanism for service health monitoring
- 📊 Configurable logging for better observability.
MicroStream Client SDK:
- 🔄 Real-time inter-service communication
- ⚡ Synchronous request-response pattern without HTTP overhead
- 🔍 Auto-discovery and connection management
- 📊 Configurable logging
- ⏳ Late response handling
- 🔗 Automatic reconnection
- ❤️ Heartbeat mechanism
The system uses a star network architecture where services connect to the central Hub and communicate through it rather than directly with each other. This simplifies microservice communication while maintaining efficiency and scalability.
UltraLogger is a robust logging tool that helps developers track application events, monitor errors, and debug efficiently.
Stack: TypeScript, NodeJS, NPM
Technologies Used: Typescript, NodeJS, Chalk, Semantic-Release, JSDoc, NPM
- Types Support for Intellisense 💡
- JSDoc In Code Documentation - just like any good library, we provide documentation, information and examples for our functions and methods on hover using JSdoc and TS. 🤙🏻
- Config method to create and setup configs for different features ☸
- Customizable Log Size and Information 💪🏻
- 6 Types of Colorful & Pre-formatted Log Methods - to make your life easy while debugging (we all know logs are superior to debuggers 😏 - who uses debugger anyways eww 🤢🤮)
- API Request Logger - You can use the APIReqLogger method as middleware in your Express Setup (or whatever you use) - life made easy to keep an eye on those freaky api calls 😇
- File Logs - Option to save all those API Logs in a file too - gotta catch those Non-NPCs who was trying to mess up the API - But AFTER THE ☕ Break - the file will keep all them logs safe, don't worry we gotchu 🧐
- Special Feature - FATAL LOG: If you use this for Fatal Error Cases (HIGH SEVERITY), then you have an option to setup a SendGrid Email ApiKey - and our system will notify you, everytime one of these logs were made! 😉
( Look, we know we all devs are lazy! 😴 No one got time to keep looking at em logs xD Devs gotta sleep every half an hour too 💤 Just gotta check the 📧 in-case 💩 goes 👇🏻)
This is a Full Stack Task Management App to manage all of your Tasks and Todo Elements at one place.
Stack : MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)
Technologies Used : NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express-Validator, BcryptJS, JSONWebToken (JWT), Dotenv, Node-Cron, Nodemailer, Morgan, Helmet, React Hooks, Toastify, Axios, Bootstrap 5, Bootstrap Icons etc.
Functionalities :
Normal User : REST Api, CRUD Tasks based on Date (Current Date, Completed Tasks, Due Tasks, Upcoming Tasks), User Registration, Email Verification, Authentication, Authorization, Current Date's Tasks Reminder through Email - Every Day at 6 AM (based on unique User's TimeZone), JWT Token, PRIVATE and PUBLIC Routes, Server Side Validation using Express-Validator, Password Encryption using BCrypt, Forgot Password, Password Reset, Change Email, Error Toast Notification System using Toastify, Fully Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap 5 etc.
Admin User : All features of Normal User + Admin Dashboard, Stats on Admin Dashboard, User Management (CRUD), Make/Remove user as Admin, Hot Search etc.
This is a Full Stack E-Commerce, made on MERN Stack. I did this project while going through a Bootcamp, and the Rest was done later on my own. I added and improvised the web app with a lot of features and functionalities. This Web App just like any other popular E-commerce systems. The only difference is, it is based on Individual Stores.
Stack : MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)
Technologies Used : NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express-Validator, Crypto, JSONWebToken (JWT), Express-JWT, React Hooks, Global State Management using State Reducer and Context Api, Formidable, Lodash, Bootstrap, BrainTree Payment Gateway etc.
Functionalities : REST Api, CRUD, User Registration, Log In, Authentication, Authorization, JWT Token, PRIVATE and PUBLIC Routes, Server Side Validation using Express-Validator, Password Encryption using Crypto, Global State Management, User Dashboard, Admin Dashboard, Fully Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap etc.
User Dashboard - Registration, Login, Logout,
Cart/Profile/Orders/Address Management, Change User
Profile Picture, Manage Multiple Saved Addresses, Manage
Orders(history), and general E-commerce buying features
Admin Dashboard - All of User Features, +
Create/Read/Update/Delete Category,
Create/Read/Update/Delete Products, Orders Management etc.
This is a Self Project, made on ReactJS. This is a fun project I made for my fellow Space Enthusiasts. The Data used in different features of this app, directly comes from NASA's servers. Every day the data changes automatically.
Main Technology Used : ReactJS, NodeJS
Other Technologies : Axios, React Hooks, JSX, JS, ES6, Bootstrap etc.
Functionalities: APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day, NEOs
- Near Earth Objects - Asteroids, MARS Info - MARS -
Weather Updates & Rovar Images.
All these data and information comes directly from NASA
and my fellow space enthusiast friends can use this app to
find these features easily and can stay up-to-date.
This is developed on MERN Stack. After going through
basics of MERN I needed some kind of full project to work
on and gather some experience on Full Stack MERN
Development on my own. So I decided to make a Contact
This is a Full Stack Web App just like Google Contacts,
where users can Sign Up, and Create and Store their
Stack : MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)
Technologies Used : NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express-Validator, BcryptJS, JSONWebToken (JWT), React Hooks, Global State Management using State Reducer and Context Api, Toastify, Axios, Bootstrap etc.
Functionalities : REST Api, CRUD, User Registration, Log In, Authentication, JWT Token, PRIVATE and PUBLIC Routes, Create, Read, Server Side Validation using Express-Validator, Password Encryption using BCrypt, Update Delete contacts based on Users, Unique Contacts based on Email & Phone per User, Global State, Error Toastr Notification System using Toastify, Fully Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap etc.
NOTE: Contacts are stored in a way that two different users can save contact which has same Email and/or Phone Number. But, Same user cannot have multiple contacts with same Email/Phone. The Email and/or Phone Number is unique for individual user's own contacts.
This was an Interview Assignment Project by a company. It
was a Backend Position and the project requirement was
Backend Only, so you will see very less use of Frontend
I only worked on the features I was asked as a
demonstration for them.
Technologies Used : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL
Functionalities : Admin Approval Based Post System, Login, Logout, User Email Verification System, Password Change, Edit / Delete Post, Post Status Control (Public/Private), Mini Admin Panel.
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